
Slinking into the shower, you shiver with delight at the thoughts of a decadently heavy drenching…

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 This everyday routine has become so much more enjoyable beneath this fabulous shower. A powerful jet of water that reminds you of lathering up on luxurious treat nights away at a boutique hotel.

Investing in a shower that suits both you and your bathroom is so important. There’s nothing worse than craving the feeling of the hot water beating down on your skin after a hard day, only to be met with a tepid dribble, leaving you feeling dissatisfied and tense. A shower should be inviting and tranquil, an experience you have to drag yourself out of. There’s a reason that your favourite bathroom is the one at your preferred boutique hotel getaway. The shower is incredible, and you could quite happily spend hours there, the water massaging your aching muscles while steam swirls mystically around your body.

It isn’t easy to know where to start when choosing a new shower for your bathroom with so much choice available. Thermostatic, or non-thermostatic? Do you prefer a wall or ceiling-mounted shower? Do you need that extra handheld shower attachment? The best way to solve this conundrum is to really think about the experience you already have. Plunge yourself beneath the water and find out what you enjoy. Stand and look around, explore your bathroom and decide what works best for your space. 

Whichever shower you choose, divine bathroom lighting can complete the feel of your tranquil space, and why not take a peek at our beautiful complementing range of bathroom taps, bottle traps and click-clack wastes to finish off your bathroom beautifully. Where’s the harm?!

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