Kitchen Taps
Itching to get going on your next home renovation project, you decide to start with what could be considered an unusual detail – the kitchen tap…
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But you’ve fallen in love with a stunning kitchen mixer tap and have a vision for the finished space. Having seen the same fixture at your parent’s house, you know it’s the one for you, elegantly curved with a smooth action and soft-flow water.
Taps are an often overlooked detail when revamping these rooms. Usually, we go with the easy option – the one on display with the sink or basin in the showroom. Often not even realising there are so many options to choose from now – shape, style and even colour. But taps are an integral part of everyday life.
Considering how often you rinse, clean, wash your hands, the dishes, fruit and veggies, or fill a glass with water, it’s easy to appreciate how having well-designed, stunning kitchen taps can change how you feel about interacting with them.
Imagine reaching to turn the tap on to do the washing up for the hundredth time in a day. Your fingertips grasp the cool metal and delight in the smoothness against your skin – slowly turning the tap on, listening for the whoosh of hot water, watching as it gushes from the tap and bubbles gloriously into the sink below. The way your senses react to something beautiful instead of something purely functional can transform the most mundane tasks, bringing joy to doing the dishes.
Kitchen taps come in all kinds of attractive shapes, sizes and colours, which means you might have to do a bit of exploring to find the right one for you. The one that makes your heart sing.
Matching your kitchen tap to other details around the space is a sure-fire way to instil harmony, creating a welcoming kitchen diner that’s perfect for rushed morning breakfasts and intimate date nights.
Of course, you don’t have to be doing a complete renovation to change your taps – it’s an easy job to do with the right tools and a bit of know-how. Swapping a grotty dull kitchen tap for something more ‘you’ could be the start of a whole new look for your room. Go classic with satin gold or silver, a little braver with black or white or… If you fancy a walk on the wild side, check out our lush Miami Pink and Neo Mint green taps!
While you’re considering updating your bathroom, why not explore Dowsing & Reynolds beautiful collection of kitchen door handles, drawer knobs, shelves and impactful kitchen lighting. Available in complementing colours, these details pull your space together impeccably, creating a fabulous kitchen retreat.